Here is the problem
Bike packed in apparently with a bit of a bang. This is what I was told (I presume a backfire)
This is what I have done so far
I have had the carb apart and cleaned it and refitted
Checked the compression and that seems fine
Felt for some suction through the intake manifold (this seems weak to me)
Fuel has been replaced with fresh fuel (what was in there was old fuel syphoned from a car that has been broken for scrap)
Checked the plug (good spark and good electrics)
Now when I try to start it it will spit and fart, then it just turns over and will not start.
I have taken the plug out and it is flooded. This is my problem, I have only filled the float bowl up and do not have any other fuel going to the carb. It should not be a soaking wet plug (has a good spark). I dry it off with heat and refit, same thing happens again.
Only thing I have not looked at yet is the reed valve.
Other than that has anyone got any suggestions
This is the bike in question