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How big is yours?

#1 Post by Kwackerz » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:17 pm

No, not That, but your Garage or workshop?

Are you well endowed with workshop space for your pride and joy(s) ?

Ive always thought my 'Garage' as my workshop. very sparsely furnished, a plug socket with built in RCCB and a light in the roof of the garage. Yaay.. Workshop heaven for the skint! :smt005

I took my Tigra off the road whilst I was in Scotland, have decided to lay it up along with my two bikes. Hmm.. it's been sat outside for a while (illegally if you take a quick glance, as there's no tax on display as it's sorned*) and decided to shove it under cover out the way of prying eyes and the like.
My dilemma then showed.. 2 bikes, 1 car and one single Garage. :smt012 Buggerfek.
Anyways, to cut this long story short, I managed to get all 3 in, without any damage AND shut the door!! I was impressed, I own a pukka gen TARDIS by the looks of it!
Got me wondering though as to how everyone else fares with workshop/garage space.

So.. How big is it, Mister?

Just size, dont want to glean any security info from you about your love shack.. walls have ears n all that.

* I was 'charged' with having a car illegally on the road untaxed and uninsured on the same road about 12 years ago.. funnily enough I wrote to the court and told em to shove it (albeit politely) as it's an unserviced (by council) private road... I won.. as yer do...

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#2 Post by paddyz1 » Sun Oct 28, 2007 4:40 pm

14 foot long. 8 foot wide and 9 foot high at the apex.

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#3 Post by fastasfcuk » Sun Oct 28, 2007 5:50 pm

bowt the same with flat roof.

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#4 Post by Gio » Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:12 pm

16' x 8'3"

I've managed in the past to get the merc my blackbird and my sons thundercat in, as well as a 4' x 2' snapon rollbox sadly no more its a bit of a tip atm, then of course it'll be filled with garden furniture (8 chairs and 2 tables) as the shed this year will be stripped for action as a restoration centre :smt003

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#5 Post by Viking » Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:40 pm

0' by 0' by 0'.

You all make me feel so inadequate. :smt009

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#6 Post by Samray » Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:46 pm

Mine is somewhat like a tardis in reverse.
... ie around 12' X 8' and not even room to get in the door. :smt009
Think I should go on a diet?

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#7 Post by DavShill » Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:35 am

Standard detached double garage , the type they put on the usual "new build" houses. After getting the falco stolen i took the decision to permanently fix one door closed (screw fixed the door directly through the metal frame and into the timber.

Like GIO it sometimes has a car in but is mostly full of other stuff, freezer, cycles, tumble dryer, garden furniture etc etc. - oh yes and two motorbikes

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#8 Post by Aladinsaneuk » Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:55 am

11 foot by 9 foot - approx 8 foot at height of apex

it has my bike in it and my tools - nothing else

(The secret is the combination lock so my wife can't get in to dump her shite there......)

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#9 Post by HowardQ » Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:08 pm

Really well endowed fortunately, have a detached double garage 20' x 20' with two cars and two bikes, bench and storage etc., tight with everything in but can easily move cars to the drive then loads of room!

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#10 Post by D-Rider » Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:22 pm

Aladinsaneuk wrote: (The secret is the combination lock so my wife can't get in to dump her shite there......)
I guess the "facilities" are fairly primitive out in the sticks - but that's a bit harsh on your Mrs ... we've an inside loo for such activities (well 3 of them if I'm totally honest).

As for the garage - well I can't measure it up as I'm not in the country - but don't get any ideas 'cos my 3 big sons are at home, it's fairly well secured and if that doesn't scare you, the mrs is there too ....

Basically it's a double length concrete garage. One end is the "workshop" with the old kitchen units, worktops etc. The other end is where the bikes go - my 2 bikes, my youngest son's scooter and my eldest son's 125. Eventually I hope to get some of the clutter out of there to organise the bike bits a little better. I did put up a big shed last year to get all the garden stuff out of the way. :smt003

As for who's got the best ... well if Pierre's garage/workshop doesn't win, then someone's got something really special.

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#11 Post by Fausto » Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:54 pm

Standard 'garage' sized shed but it's totally dedicated to the Falco and my pushbikes. So plenty of room/light/tools for tinkering.

Hell it even has lino on the floor ! :smt003

Not that warm in winter tho

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#12 Post by Okamoto » Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:44 pm

16 x 12 Garage at the bottom of the garden with a bike ramp, plus a 14 x 8 shed ...and still not enough room!!! :smt013

So I put the bike I am using most in the lounge! then it's easy to get out quickly and make my escape when I come home from work .... ... epairs.jpg

But only when "herself" is away at Uni :smt010

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#13 Post by Kwackerz » Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:57 pm

Oh to be allowed (and able) to park the bike up in the house... :smt011 :smt011

I dream of such control in the house... im lucky if im allowed my bike gear in, let alone a bike in gear...
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#14 Post by BikerGran » Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:51 pm

Don't know the measurements but it's a standard sort of garage in a block that's next to the house, tho our, er MY garage is the furthest one away unfortunately.
It contains a Superdream that's intact and another in bits and mostly in two filing cabinets, my trike, my camping stuff (tent currently hanging on drying line), a cuboard that doubles as a workbench, a desk, a chair, lots of Honda, Yamaha and Kwak spares, a couple of car wheels and tyres, my tools, a big box of videos my daughter dumped there for a car boot we never went to, a lot of wood we kept cos it might come in useful, the ex-lodger's bicycle, some spares for my car.......

There's room to work in it if I take the trike out first!

Got a 10x8 shed in the garden tho, with the baby Yam in it, which I might start working on if it wasn't totally hidden under all the cr@p my hubby's dumped in there cos it won't fit in his 6x8 one!
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#15 Post by Gio » Mon Oct 29, 2007 10:56 pm

BikerGran wrote:lots of Honda spares,
Any for sale?

I need CB400 bits if you have any and I'd rather pay my friends than some merchant. :smt001

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