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#1 Post by Nooj » Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:54 pm

I have it if you want it. I'm an official retailer and only buy it from the UK importer, so it won't be an old bottle that's past it's use-by date.

A quart bottle is £35 including postage, or pick it up from me and save a fiver. it comes with a hand pump dispenser, so you won't run out of propellant while having half the product go to waste like you can with the aerosol cans.

PM or e-mail me to buy some, direct bank transfers preferred but can also do cheque, cash or PayPal.

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#2 Post by randomsquid » Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:20 pm

I've recently bought an aerosol or I would. I'll give you a shout when I run out though. Very good stuff.
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#3 Post by Nooj » Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:30 pm

Put it on with a microfibre cloth or small paintbrush, then wipe as much of it off as you can with a clean cloth. What's left will be the right amount. Little and often, that's the key to keeping it working at it's best :smt004
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Aladinsaneuk wrote:andy is having a VERY heavy period

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#4 Post by Kwackerz » Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:47 pm

I may buy some in a month or two. With other stuff going on I cant stretch to 30 quid on ACF just at the mo

A question though.. It's a penetrating oil? Ive a 1959 Mercian King of Mercia racing bike (pushbike) where the campagnolo solid aluminium seat stem has seized inside the steel frame... probably since not long after it was sold..

If I took the bottom bracket off and poured this ACF50 into the seat tube (bike upside down) do you think it would break the corrosion between the two? Obviously I cant tie you down to a definitive answer, thats impossible, but do you think genuinely it would be better to have a go with WD40 or is ACF50 better as a penetrant?
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#5 Post by randomsquid » Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:04 am

I'll give you an opinion and it's only that.

I tend to use ACF50 as my go to shit in a can now rather than WD40. I spray it, brush it or wipe it depending on what I want it to do. You know your own bikes and what they get up to. I'm guilty of using it as a quick fix for stuff I can't be arsed to do properly. I use it round the house on stuff too.

I used to x-ray stuff for a living, though I had tickets for and a working knowledge of other sorts of non destructive testing. One of my last jobs was on the gearbox housings of your new company motor. For the last 18 months I've been a pleb in the company corrosion labs. I know next to fuck all, but I'm picking it up. I've got a vague idea of why metal bits stop playing.

I've been using it on the ER6 for a few years. This is without a doubt the most badly finished bike I've ever owned. The forks started to pit within weeks and it needed a new loom within months. It lives outside and gets used all year round. The dealer claims it's the most abused example he's seen. Bunch of tossers. Using ACF50 on it I've reached a level of scruffy stasis with it if that makes sense.

In my experience it penetrates more than you'd expect and creeps less than you'd think. It stops rot more effectively than anything else I've tried.

The push bike thing might be asking a bit much. It would be my first try. But I'd be warming up the blow torch and polishing the mallets...

Just an opinion :smt002
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#6 Post by Nooj » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:55 pm

What he said :smt003
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#7 Post by mangocrazy » Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:53 pm

I've never really rated WD40 as a penetrating oil. In fact I think everything it does is done better by other liquids.

If you want a Water Dispersant and corrosion protector, ACF-50 is far and away the best.

If you want a penetrating oil, either PlusGas or Wurth Rost Off Ice are way better. Hell, even diesel is better.

If you're getting serious with corrosion, nothing much stands in the way of Heat, PlusGas/Rost Off and a BFH. (Big Fucking Hammer...)

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#8 Post by Kwackerz » Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:45 pm

Period Campag aluminium seat post (expensive..ish), Semi decent period frame.. Rules the BFH out of it, more gentle persuasion..
Heat has been tried unsuccessfully but cant go to town on it due to the brazed welds..

I'll give the Plusgas a try i reckon.. if that doesnt work I'll leave it where it is.
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#9 Post by randomsquid » Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:33 am

There was some marine stuff the yanks swear by for penetrating rusty bits. I'll see if I can find it again. I needed to get the remains of some exhaust nuts off, but went with the warm it up a bit and hammer a socket on approach.
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#10 Post by randomsquid » Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:56 pm

Kwackerz wrote:Period Campag aluminium seat post (expensive..ish), Semi decent period frame.. Rules the BFH out of it, more gentle persuasion..
Heat has been tried unsuccessfully but cant go to town on it due to the brazed welds..

I'll give the Plusgas a try i reckon.. if that doesnt work I'll leave it where it is.
The stuff I was trying to think of was Kroil. The Yanks seem to swear by it. Can't get it here but it is on fleabay and The reviews section of Amazon has someone using it successfully to get a seat post out.
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#11 Post by Kwackerz » Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:49 pm

Cool, cheers for that, I'll have a shooftie on Amazon then :smt001
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