Here’s the table part hacked, but little changed from the Hospital. I removed all the bolt on stuff, like the collapsible side rails and various tilt controls to save some weight. The bed is good for 250Kg’s and the Falco is spec’d at 222Kg so not a lot of leeway.

Then I set about it with my new toy an angle grinder (all I need now is a welder and life is complete) and removed these bits (I reckon they’re there to keep the mattress in place). I left one on so the front wheel has a stop.


Then I got this sheet of metal, quite thin steel, from the council dump for free. I could have used checker plate but steel is heavy and expensive and aluminium is very very expensive. The existing plates on the bed are pretty strong so this addition should be OK.

Then I bashed the sheet metal with my now second favourite toy (sorry big hammer) around the self tappers to get their location to show through the sheet, then drilled and screwed the sheet down to the top of the bed. I was lucky that the sheet was pretty much ideal width so I bent the ends over, drilled and riveted.

The main problem is the resting hight of the bed. It’s about 500mm above ground and my car ramps are only about 300mm high. I can take the wheels off the bed to make it a perfect fit, but I’m keen to keep that functionality. There are a couple of points I didn’t cut off that could be used to locate a ramp, but that’ll have to wait.
So here it is on its maiden lift. I was a bit nervous the ground isn’t exactly level and I’ve still got a potential weak spot with the beds tilt mechanism, but it all worked well.