Wierd noise from fule pump/throttle body/airbox area
Moderators: Aladinsaneuk, MartDude, D-Rider, Moderators
Wierd noise from fule pump/throttle body/airbox area
No... not the Falco, but on my GSXR which I am restoring. The GSXR forum is pants so Im trying you lot with this.
When I turn the igniton on, the fuel pump primes as it should but at the same time there is an odd squeeking/grinding noise from the right side of the airbox/injection rail. It might be the pump but the priming noise and this squeek noise dont sound like they are coming from the same place. Its very hard to describe, it lasts about a second - probably has something to do with the fuel pump priming. I first noticed this when the bike was dry... i then put fuel into her for the first time and the noise has remained. Incidentaly I cannot get her to start so I dont think fuel is getting through to the cylinders.
Any thoughts?
When I turn the igniton on, the fuel pump primes as it should but at the same time there is an odd squeeking/grinding noise from the right side of the airbox/injection rail. It might be the pump but the priming noise and this squeek noise dont sound like they are coming from the same place. Its very hard to describe, it lasts about a second - probably has something to do with the fuel pump priming. I first noticed this when the bike was dry... i then put fuel into her for the first time and the noise has remained. Incidentaly I cannot get her to start so I dont think fuel is getting through to the cylinders.
Any thoughts?
*pushes his way past the comedians*
So.. an update for those that are interested. Steve Jordan Motorcycles fixed this in 1 hour
... a big dent in my confidence as a home mechanic. The problem at the end of the day? The fuel pump was not functioning and the replacement I sourced from Ebay did not work either. 3rd pump lucky though - thankfully Steve Jordan Motorcycles allowed me to leave the bike there for a week while I bought another fuel pump. The remainder of the problem? The rod was not greased enough... no really.... I thought it was but from standing for 3 years somehow gunk had built up and prevented the secondary throttle bodies from rotating properly.
SJM were fantastic... they collected the bike and I am now waiting for them to drop it off again. Best of all... they did not pull the ring with massive charges - the whole thing cost me £115.
Now my next problem... I leave for my France trip on Aug 21.... do I take the Suzi or the Falco....hmmm....
So.. an update for those that are interested. Steve Jordan Motorcycles fixed this in 1 hour

SJM were fantastic... they collected the bike and I am now waiting for them to drop it off again. Best of all... they did not pull the ring with massive charges - the whole thing cost me £115.
Now my next problem... I leave for my France trip on Aug 21.... do I take the Suzi or the Falco....hmmm....