A question! 2 Strokes.. running in... Iron barrels..

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#16 Post by Paulh » Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:36 pm

mangocrazy wrote:Having at least 2 fingers permanently hovering over the clutch lever does rather shout out 'ex stinkwheel rider', doesn't it? P.
Even on a 4 stroke - its a habit I've never got out of


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#17 Post by D-Rider » Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:00 pm

Yeah - I've always had 4-strokes and always ridden with my hand on the clutch .... country roads, constant gear changes .... keep it buzzing.....

Not so necessary with the Falco but you never get out of the habit

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#18 Post by HowardQ » Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:36 pm

I still tend to do the same, I've never had a 2 stroke fully seize on me, but a couple got close before the left hand did it's job.
Had a T350 Rebel Suzuki Twin, and a later GT380 triple, plus Kwacker KH250 and 350 triples in the (distant!) past.
The Suzukis were almost new when I bought 'em.
I bought the 1972 model T350 in 1973, the first Jap bike I had actually owned after loads of Brit twins and singles, oh dear, need to put me slippers on and go and find me pipe!

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#19 Post by Woodyfjr » Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:24 pm

Ahh 2 strokes I luv them i'm on the look out for an RD400C at the mo. I had quite a selection RD's GT's and I had 7 KH250 at once sorting out the middle barrel.
As for seizing I never had any 2 stroke nip up on me but I was always setting the timing with my dial guage as I did hole a few pistons I seem to remember. :smt005

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#20 Post by mangocrazy » Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:40 pm

I had one of the first batch of 350LCs in the country and (I later found out) they'd been rushed in and the carburation was well off. They had to have an air hole drilled into the carb body to get them to run right at lower speeds. Apparently there was a recall later to entirely swap out the carbs, but my dealer never told me about this.

Anyway - I took the bike on a touring holiday through France, through the centre of Spain and into Northern Portugal. On the way back through Spain I was giving it some berries, flying past all the tin boxes when all of a sudden it shrieked at me and went 'DUURRRRRRR'. I whipped the clutch in, but it was already too late.

I managed to enlist the aid of a nearby garage. They removed the sparkplug, took a piece of welding rod and lowered it through the plug hole. It went down way further than it had any right to and the Spanish mechanic nodded sagely to his mates:

'Piston perforada'

I didn't need any translation for that piece of Spanish...

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