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Changing the fan switch

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 8:57 pm
by blinkey501
It would seem that now these bikes are becoming older, topics are coming up about the fan switch problems. And the fans kicking in later than usual.

I thought I would give a quick guide to those with limited knowledge on how to change the switch.

You will need a basic tools to do this job.

Mainly a 30mm socket. A ratchet. Allen keys to remove the seat and lift the tank, that is unless the allen bolts have been changed for standard hexagon head bolts.

A roll of PTFE.

The boring stuff.

I accept no responsibility for any damaged caused to the bike. You follow this guide at your own risk.

You will need to remove the seat and raise the front of the tank to gain access to the switch.

Undo the seat bolts.


Remove the seat.


Undo the tank at the headstock.

Lift the tank back and hold the tank up with a prop.

The switch is located under the left hand side of the air box.

Remove the two wires.


You will need to wrap the threads of the new sensor with PTFE. This is not essential. But PTFE is a lubricant and helps when refitting.

This also helps seal the threads from water leaking past.


Slide on a 6 sided socket.

Undo the switch with the socket and ratchet. You will need to turn the ratchet anti clockwise to undo the switch.

You will need to move the rubber pipe slightly out of the way to gain access.


The switch is screwed into a plastic manifold which is not clamped into position.

You may need to support the manifold when undoing the switch. Failure to support the manifold could result in breaking the plastic where the pipes enter at the rear.

When switch is removed there will be some coolant loss. Your new switch should be to hand ready to fit, to prevent too much coolant loss.

Tighten the switch, and give it a good nip when tight.

Refit the wires.

It would be advisable to run the engine to test the switch is working fine.

Refit the tank and seat.