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My trike mods
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:39 pm
by BikerGran
Gertie's new bars...
Mods being done by
Choppit Customs near Wokingham
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:02 pm
by Aladinsaneuk
very nice but please note
two bars
two wheels
four cylinders...... you see my point?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:16 pm
by fatboy
I always thought you 'ride' a trike ?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:40 pm
by BikerGran
It must be my age - I don't see the point either of you are trying to make!
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:42 pm
by randomsquid
Very smart. I like those yokes too.
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:35 pm
by HowardQ
I've never seen bars done that way, looks great to me Bobbie, and a perfect set up for a trike.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:43 pm
by BikerGran
HowardQ wrote:I've never seen bars done that way, looks great to me Bobbie, and a perfect set up for a trike.
Ah, you haven't looked at many custom bikes or trikes then?
The general idea is to give a better riding position to help my arthritic spine and shoulders - looking good is incidental! The downside is that now I'm going to have to save up for a paint job to complete the look!
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:27 pm
by Kwackerz
Cant wait to see the finished result! Gertie has been an integral part of RS since you first turned up and I'm glad you're keeping the old girl going. A while back it seemed touch and go for her future but as they say, Old kwacks never die, they just get modded! Good to see she's getting the makeover she deserves, she's done you proud over the years
Sam's GPZ is going over to my Bro who'll be restoring it back to good health again and I'm going to take care of his CBR and get that back to track fighting fit.. running rings round those V twin half engined bike affairs that you see scattered round the kittylitter at places like Brands Hatch Indy..
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:32 pm
by HowardQ
Custom bikes are something I occasionally admire as an artwork more than something to ride, and there may be others like this around that I have not noticed, but still look great on the trike.
The way things are going with my arthritis I may be taking more interest in the near future. Then again high bars, or even slightly raised bars on a normal bike always give me more pain in the shoulders than the sportier bars on my Falco and ZX9R.
Hope the high bars make things more comfortable for you, the new paint job can come later.
I'll be taking early retirement at the end of June, so I will have more time to work on the bikes, but less money to spend on it and a body much less willing to work in the garage. Then again I hope to get out and do a lot more photography, certainly won't be sitting at home watching Jeremy Kyle.
The Council I work for is shedding many hundreds of jobs, (by offering redundancy to those who apply), and I have done a deal to taking redundancy/early reitirement 6 months early after 37 years service.
I have to finish a major project that I am working on, which will save them a lot of money, then they let me go.
Not sure how I will get on with the pipe and slippers after all the years of pressure, but I am getting too old to take the stress.
It may mean the never ending list of jobs to do around the house starts to finally diminish.
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:43 pm
by BikerGran
Howard I can assure that retirement is WONDERFUL!
I retired at 60 but then went back part-time (needing the pennies for my habit - the triking one) and finally left again last August having taken a deal I call 'take the money and run'. It wasn't a lot but I'm eking it out, and had saved enough to pay for this summer's trips anyway. The mods to Gertie are financed by the sale of the auto trike which seemed such a good idea at the time I bought it.
My arthritis gets worse, but I'm getting to grips with my garden that was so neglected, and am enjoying everything more as I'm not so tired all the time - as I'm sure you know that's one of the problems with something that hurts, and with work-related stress.
As for the more upright riding position - it goes with feet forward, so not really comparable with your bike!
Oh another benefit of retirement - you'll have more time to look at trikes!
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:43 pm
by MartDude
HowardQ wrote:
Not sure how I will get on with the pipe and slippers after all the years of pressure
Before someone else says it - get a Futura
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:44 pm
by BikerGran
K - it's a good thing some of us on here have proper engines! I( won't part with Gertie now till I can no longer ride even locally, and by that time maybe someone else in my family might take her on!
Good to hear that Sam's bikes will stay in the family!
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:57 pm
by HowardQ
A Fut was on my list (along with a Blackbird), when I got rid of my CBR1000F after 7 1/2 years.
I always seem to have two bikes in regular use these days.
Then again it was a bit too much like the Falco and I wanted something a bit different.
The Blackbird was also very much like the CBR1000F that I got rid of, and I wanted something a bit different.......
I went into a bike showroom and something just Qwacked at me so I bought it.
(My earlier Kwacks were smokers with 3 cylinders).
The 9R was so much more comfortable than I thought it would be, it will never be a Falco, but a great bike and something different to experience before I have to pack it in.
It's nice to have "Options".
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:50 pm
by Falcorob
HowardQ wrote:A Fut was on my list (along with a Blackbird), when I got rid of my CBR1000F after 7 1/2 years.
I always seem to have two bikes in regular use these days.
Then again it was a bit too much like the Falco and I wanted something a bit different.
The Blackbird was also very much like the CBR1000F that I got rid of, and I wanted something a bit different.......
I went into a bike showroom and something just Qwacked at me so I bought it.
(My earlier Kwacks were smokers with 3 cylinders).
The 9R was so much more comfortable than I thought it would be, it will never be a Falco, but a great bike and something different to experience before I have to pack it in.
It's nice to have "Options".
And if you ever decide to sell the Kwak mate give me a shout please because I like 'em too.
Like the mods BG.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:02 pm
by MartDude
I know some of us aren't getting any younger, and are having to face certain issues associated with ageing - but, was it really necessary to strap a Porta Potti to the trike?