Are you well endowed with workshop space for your pride and joy(s) ?
Ive always thought my 'Garage' as my workshop. very sparsely furnished, a plug socket with built in RCCB and a light in the roof of the garage. Yaay.. Workshop heaven for the skint!

I took my Tigra off the road whilst I was in Scotland, have decided to lay it up along with my two bikes. Hmm.. it's been sat outside for a while (illegally if you take a quick glance, as there's no tax on display as it's sorned*) and decided to shove it under cover out the way of prying eyes and the like.
My dilemma then showed.. 2 bikes, 1 car and one single Garage.

Anyways, to cut this long story short, I managed to get all 3 in, without any damage AND shut the door!! I was impressed, I own a pukka gen TARDIS by the looks of it!
Got me wondering though as to how everyone else fares with workshop/garage space.
So.. How big is it, Mister?
Just size, dont want to glean any security info from you about your love shack.. walls have ears n all that.
* I was 'charged' with having a car illegally on the road untaxed and uninsured on the same road about 12 years ago.. funnily enough I wrote to the court and told em to shove it (albeit politely) as it's an unserviced (by council) private road... I won.. as yer do...