What should have been a straightforward, though fiddly, job - replacing the headlight - has turned into a manifestation of seemingly inexplicable weirdness. Got everything back on the bike, and noticed the screen was severely on the piss - which it wasn't before. At the top corners of the screen, the left side was about 15 mm. higher than the right. Everything was fine until I tightened the lower screw on each of the screen side support wotsits; tightening the one on the right side drew the screen down, while tightening the left side pushed the screen up on that side. there's now also a noticeable gap between the inside of the screen and the right-hand support. I

That screw on the left starts to push against the underside of the upper dashboard moulding as it's tightened

I've had the screen off, & changed screens, several times previously, and this has never happened before - I'm sure I would have noticed.
Thinking that I may have misaligned the front fairing assembly when fitting the new headlight, I've just taken it all off again. On closer examination, the welded tabs on the bracket for the mirrors & clocks, to which the screen supports are fixed, are slightly bent - RH one slightly down, LH one slightly up.

Measuring from various points around he headstock, and the radiator brackets, the tip RH tab is about 9 mm. lower than the LH one, and about 9 mm. closer to the front of the tank. The brackets for the mirrors are more or less identically positioned.
I have absolutely no idea how this asymmetry has occurred, seemingly overnight - if it has occurred. I am absolutely positive that the screen has hitherto always been level. I can't see how I could have bent those tabs whilst stripping the fairing, screen etc. - they're pretty rigid. I can't imagine anyone walking up the drive & bending them in the night. I am more than a little perplexed.
Should I try to carefully bend them until they're even?
Would be grateful for some guidance.
And sorry for being long-winded - this was not easy to describe briefly