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Wanted - VW T5 Campervan, automatic

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:49 am
by BikerGran
Not bike related at all but worth a punt here!

I’m looking for a T5 campervan, which MUST have automatic transmission, would prefer a high top but a pop top would do, would like long wheelbase for the extra space, and preferably 2005-ish or later.
Already found out I’m unlikely to find all those in one package unless it’s too far away and sells while I’m thinking about it… I’m prepared to travel some distance but I’m on the south coast and Cumbria was a tad too far...

Cards on the table, I’m new to all this, always been a tent camper but found myself sleeping in the car so often, it’s time to sort this out! Haven’t had a VW since a Passat about four or so cars back, been having a look online, asking advice all over the place, now ready to take the plunge (in a scared sort of way!) – oh and I’m old and have arthritis, and been told that pop tops are hard to pull down, and RnR beds tough to put away? (just in case anyone has experience).

Oh and I don't want anything bigger as it will be my daily and I don't have any extra space!

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:21 pm
by mangocrazy
You might also think about a late model VW T4 Camper van Beethoven... The ones with the 102bhp 2.5 Tdi diesel engines are the ones to go for. I've had an ex-AA T4 van (not camper) since 2007 and it's great. It went past 200k miles earlier this year but is still (touch wood) running very well.

For both the T4 and T5s it's worth checking on . I know the name says T4 but there are probably more T5 owners on there now./

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:49 pm
by BikerGran
I want something reasonably new really - specially as I can't do work on it myself. Had a look at that forum but I can't see a 'for sale' or 'classified' section.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 7:15 pm
by Gio
A lot of the T5's are subject to recall as VW have been naughty, I've got a caddy never again I can't trust the krauts anymore, I get visions of Herr Adolf, bastids

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 2:41 pm
by Greg
I've got an 05 T5 Caravelle 174 auto with 140k on the clock ..

Just saying that they're not all they're cracked up to be - mine's cost me a fortune over the years, probably well over £6k in parts £3.6k of which was a gearbox f*cked by 4th gear's clutch pack failing.. Turbo's problematic, aircon pump failed, heater blower twice, wiper mech, suspension on all 4 corners ... plus a few more bits I forget ...

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 2:43 pm
by Greg
I've got an 05 T5 Caravelle 174 auto with 140k on the clock ..

Just saying that they're not all they're cracked up to be - mine's cost me a fortune over the years, probably well over £6k in parts £3.6k of which was a gearbox f*cked by 4th gear's clutch pack failing.. Turbo's problematic, aircon pump failed, heater blower twice, wiper mech, suspension on all 4 corners ... plus a few more bits I forget ...

If I had my time over, I'd not have sold my T4 which was charmingly analogue by comparison to the T5, repairable by the average spanner twirler without having to have a diagnostic tester and super reliable...