South of France - few accommodation q's

Where to go, where to stay and how to get there. Share your touring tips and ask for advice here.

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South of France - few accommodation q's

#1 Post by dyzio » Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:52 pm

Me and some friends are planning a trip to France this summer. The plan is to head south and do two 3-4 day stops. One somewhere around Nice and the second in Montpelier area.
I was thinking of staying if F1 motels, but maybe someone on here could suggest/recommend some relatively cheap accommodation?
One other thing, is heading towards said area in a group of 3-6 bikes, with nothing booked in July/August a good idea?


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#2 Post by FlyingKiwi » Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:23 pm

Hi ya.
When pre booking hotels we use etap, They quite cheap. Two to a room or 3 if you wanna top n tail (not us, we're MEN) , ensuite and free brekky and if you sneak some rolls into your tankbag you get free lunch too :smt002
Also parking is more secure then some. ie a fence
last time we also used a Premiere Class hotel. Bit more snug then an etap but cheaper. 'twas ok and we'll use again.
I think F1 you share a dorm style bathroom :smt108
We normally book the first 2 nights and the last at Calais. Only ever had problems finding accomodation with nothing booked around Strasbourg because the Eu or sumfing was sitting :smt006

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#3 Post by mangocrazy » Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:59 pm

Hi Dyzio, I have a place down in the Montpellier area of France (actually closer to Beziers/Pezenas) and we are likely to be down there at least some time during the months of July and August, so keep us updated on your plans.

If you can manage it, I'd definitely leave August out of your plans and do the trip in July. Everything is that bit cheaper and that bit less congested, although congestion is a relative term when compared to the UK. August is the month Paris empties and heads down to the Med. There are some fantastic biking roads all over the area you're thinking of, so you're spoilt for choice, really.

Also you might want to PM FalcoMille. He has a place in the neighbouring departement to us (we're in Herault 34, he's in Aude 11) and is doing B&B in his lovely big house (last time I heard, anyway). It's in a little village called Moux and is between Beziers and Carcassonne.

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#4 Post by dyzio » Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:12 pm

I know it's ages away, but I was trying to fit some other plans into it as well.
Provisionally we'd be arriving in Dunkirk on the 23rd July and crossing back on the 5-6th August.

Although Moux looks nice, I kinda hoped we can do the 600 miles back from Montpellier to Dunkirk in one day, and there's also the fact that we're a pretty noisy bunch :smt077 and I'm not sure FalcoMille would like that in his house :smt003.

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#5 Post by mangocrazy » Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:14 pm

dyzio wrote:Although Moux looks nice, I kinda hoped we can do the 600 miles back from Montpellier to Dunkirk in one day
If you hit the A75 early-ish from the Montpelier region, you should have no difficulties in doing it in one day. The only drawback is the black hole that is Paris. You either have to do a lengthy detour to avoid it (and it will still try and suck you into its centre) or you go for it and adopt a 'see you at the ferry' approach. Personally I'd go for it. Riding through Paris is like a videogame - once they're behind you they don't count anymore...

If you want a suggested route, PM me...

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#6 Post by dyzio » Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:24 pm

I've done that distance in a day earlier, and there would be no rush as we'd stay in Dunkirk and do the crossing the following morning.
I thought about a different route, towards Lyon. Just to avoid Paris.

Oh, one more thing, any idea how much it would cost? Some online guide came up with around 35 euro for the motorway - does that sound right?

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#7 Post by mangocrazy » Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:30 pm

That's pretty much the route I used on my first motorcycling foray into France on my 350LC nearly 30 years ago! On the way back, no problem; but on the way down you may find yourself in contention with millions of French families desperate to get down to the Med 'tout suite'. There is one weekend in late July that is infamous for accidents and congestion as everyone hits the Autoroute heading south.

But for the route back, it looks fine. However if you can I'd try and ride the A75 at least in one direction, as it's easily the best motorway I know. Parts of it actually have real bends and the views are fabulous. Also it passes over the Viaduc du Millau, and that MUST be on your viewing list.

Oh yes, €35 does sound about right. At present there are no tolls on the A75, as it's not officially finished. That situation may not last much longer, apparently...

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#8 Post by dyzio » Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:19 pm

The Millau viaduct is mostly why we are heading towards Montpellier :)
The idea is to:
- get to Dover, do the crossing and stay in Dunkirk.
- Dunkirk to Lyon,
- Lyon to Gap - LINK
- Gap to Nice - LINK
- Stay in Nice for 2-3 days, do little riding,
- small 1 day tour - like this
- head to Montpellier
- another 2-3 days rest,
- one day trip
- head back to Dunkirk.

I didn't want to go through Paris, but your route description might convince me otherwise.

We'll see, cheers.

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