Thinking about fitting stubby levers to the Falco?

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Thinking about fitting stubby levers to the Falco?

#1 Post by mangocrazy » Fri May 29, 2020 10:12 pm

May I humbly suggest you think again...

Quite a while ago (at least five years, probably a bit more), I acquired some Brembo clutch and brake radial master cylinders from a Gen 2 RSV and fitted them to the Falco, swapping out the OE levers for some blingy CNC stubby levers from China. I can only assume I didn't do a back to back test between old and new - either that or I was blinded by the bling.

It took a 150 mile round-trip a few weeks ago (just before lockdown) to make me realise that something wasn't right. By the time I got home my left wrist was pretty much toast, from the effort of pulling the clutch in when changing gear. When I examined the ergonomics, it was all wrong. Too wide a span, coupled with only having the end of the lever available to pull on. So I ordered another set of CNC levers from China, but this time full length. These, in fact: ... 3432907773

I fitted them earlier this week and today went on that same 150 mile round trip, and the difference was incredible. No pain, in fact not even a trace of discomort. Note that the levers above are for radial master cylinders, but the seller offers the same for OE axial master cylinders.

So if you're thinking about trying stubby levers, I'd suggest trying a set of these out instead. They fit perfectly, are beautifully finished and will keep your hands and wrists pain-free.

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