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by Kwackerz » Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:44 pm
Thought i'd start a thread in here about the various circuits in UK that we love. My favourite is and always will be Brands Hatch. A stonkingly good circuit that is great to race on (and watch people racing on)
Paddock Hill bend has to be one of the best 'bends' out there, full on rollercoaster of a ride taking you up Hailwood Hill to the slow but interesting (when youre 3 abreast) Druids.
Favourite bit to watch from? The full circuit, deep in the woods by Dingle Dell (now Sheene Curve) Plenty of action to be had there, whilst in it's Dingle Dell format possibly even better

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by Aladinsaneuk » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:15 pm
just has it all i think :)
Let's face it, you wouldn't go to a nurse to get good advice on a problem with a Falco - you'd choose an Engineer or a mechanic...
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by Falco9 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:19 pm
For me it will always be Cadwell Park, The mini Nurburgring as it's often referred to. A real challenge to race at, quite narrow and overtaking has to be well planned and excecuted.
As with Brands, lots of places to watch from and easy to move from area to area. Top of the mountain is my spot (from 1977 - 2009) Karl Harris over the mountain is a true sight to behold.
The other reason I love Cadwell, is the ride there & back, a fantastic set of lanes & "B" Roads to choose from. The nightlife in Louth on a race weekend in the late 70's & early 80's was superb for such a small spot.
And the overnight camping was superb.....mucho fun, mucho drinking and tent wrecking late nights and then sharing an early morning cuppa with Ron Haslam and his missus, chatting with Chris Guy and the other racers.................magic days, fantastic memories..........

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by Samray » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:39 pm
Always had a soft spot for Lydden.
Brands semed to lose character amongst other things when they rehashed it for cars.
I'd probably say Donington.
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by Kwackerz » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:45 pm

The only time Ive done Cadwell it rained. Never been out on the circuit, never walked it the night before, not even read up on it in the track guide, thrown in at the deep end (literally.. wet? it was like a river). Fucking hated it with a passion. Ended up simply trying to get air coming over the mountain (on the MZ!) as I'd lost all interest in trying to make progress in those conditions (and forgot to stay left over the mountain to avoid the bumpy bit). I suppose it was fun. Probably wouldve loved it in the dry
Returned there with the big bikes and watched from by the entrance to the mountain (exit from the track) and yeah spectating it was great

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by Gio » Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:29 am
Gottta be this one, I'd like to try it on a bike
Its Buckmore if you don't know it.
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by Paulh » Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:00 pm
My favourite has to be Brands GP due to all the elevation changes and some fast corners - I love Paddock Hill bend and the section through Sheenes Curve. Then Brands Indy - you get to do Paddock more often.
Then in order its probably:-
Snetterton - more fast corners, Richies, Bomb Hole and Corum in particular
Cadwell - although the woodland section is a bit mickey mouse, and needs more safety work (barriers too close)
Lydden - all corners with no straights, although not that safe IMO
Pembrey - hairpin a bit tight - just a shame its too far from anywhere to get to
Donnington - decent layout, but crap facilities any very slippery in the wet - Craner not as much fun as Paddock Hill
Rockingham - left handed infield circuit is OK - dont like the national
Mallory - not a fan
Silverstone - too wide, soulless, even more slippery than Donnington and the people there make you feel pretty unwelcome
I've not done Oulton or Thruxton yet - both possibles for this year
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by mangocrazy » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:25 pm
I can't believe no-one has mentioned Oulton Park yet - without doubt the most scenic of all UK circuits, and one that regularly gets voted as the fan's and rider's favourite. Funnily enough, I've also heard Oulton Park referred to as the mini-Nurburgring, as well. It has all sorts of corners, plenty of elevation changes, and also 2 or 3 decent sized straights.
Cadwell is a close second, but the lack of run-off and the vaguely Mickey-Mouse aspects of part of the Woodland area means it ultimately loses out for me. Still great fun, though.
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by Dalemac » Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:37 pm
I have only done Mallory Park, its the only track that i can get on because of my restricted licence. (MSV dont allow 33bhp'ers)
Its not a hard circuit at all, but it is perfect for learning how ride properly on track, because it is so simple you forget about the track and can concentrate on improving your riding. Wouldnt want to have done Cadwell as a first trackday!
will probably do Mallory 2 or 3 times before my restriction ends, then move up to the more technical tracks.
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by Ben » Wed Dec 11, 2019 11:06 am
In the UK I've ridden
Brands Hatch Indy and GP
Silverstone, all layouts
Cadwell Park
Oulton Park
Snetterton, old and new
Donington Park, both layouts
Mallory Park
I love Cadwell but the stop-start chicane before The Mountain ruins it for me.
For pure flow, I don't think you can beat Donington GP.
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by DPG » Tue Dec 17, 2019 8:47 pm
Thats a good question because we all look for something different.
Personally, I don't think Cadwell cant be beat for sheer involvement. It gets you into the game and holds you there, not a moment's peace,but its a good sort of busy. Involving, head in the game, serious, hard to get *perfect*. But when you start to string good laps together and it all slows down, it's just an amazing feeling. And that everyone there is so friendly and cheerful is an extra bonus. The place has been spotless every time I've been, and I've been there at least twice year for ages. It's a shame that Pierre is retiring but I'm sure the pitlane guys will be on top of their game for some time to come.
For a proper man-handling thrash, its got to be Snetterton (with a provision for Thruxton if you are away down that way). 20minutes+ of smashing the bike about in total safety with just enough elevation change get a compression wrench through the bomb hole. A day of smashing a 15year old bike about with *almost* careless abandon. Marvellous!
Brands: I love Brands. Not so much the GP, although its very good, but the Indy is my favourite of the two. All of the best bits, in very close succession. Easy to learn, easy to get warm up into, easy to get going and tons of enjoyment to be had. The only downside is that later in the day some super hero *will always* stand try to stand me up in the way into paddock. They never learn.
For reference, I use a 15yo Boxer that weighs about 3000Kg's, has 100rwhp, endless torque, a funky front end and a pilot that doesn't care if he's the fastest or not. Also, I've never raced bikes - my use is trackday only and the limitations which that brings are ok by me. If we want to talk racing, that a different list. One with 2 extra wheels.
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by RiceBurner » Wed Dec 18, 2019 2:08 pm
I haven't done a trackday for about 15 years, but I always enjoyed Mallory (the older, simple circuit)
Probably because it suited a 40bhp Pocket Rocket that simply didn't need to slow down until you got to the hairpin, where the lightness of the bike meant you could change direction far easier than anyone else (especially if you were prepared to let the back end bounce around at random under heavy braking. ;) ).
I rather enjoyed my day at Rockingham too (first trackday they ran there IIRC). I realise that the circuit was basically running around the outside of a crescent shape, but you could flow a lot of it (Again, on a small bike).
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by wastegate » Tue Jan 07, 2020 10:58 pm
Interesting and from the distance of many years I loved in order( ish ) ...
Brands ( never done the full though )
Ty Croes ( old circuit )
Not so keen on ...
Castle Coombe
Darley Moor
There is definitely a theme here, but I can forgive Snett. I live only 12 miles from Silverstone and never bother to go and watch there .
Absolutely Hated ....
Nothing in the UK is as good as SPA mind. Might be some more I have forgotten.
GSXS1000, CB300R, Beta Evo and CBF1000F.
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by Ben » Tue Apr 07, 2020 10:18 am
Ahh.... Spa! Definitely ranks up there in the scary league if you take the time to look at how close some of the barriers are...
..and I agree about Silverstone, it has less atmosphere than the moon.