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Sorry ... and 10,000 times sorry .....

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:43 pm
by D-Rider
What a lot of drivel ..... and I'm so, so, sorry for making you sit through it all.

I guess I owe you all a good few drinks.

Once again, Sorry. :smt053


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:49 pm
by Samray
:smt082 :smt005 :smt082 :smt005 :smt082 :smt005 :smt082
Well done. Definately a figure of Giotastic proportions.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:32 pm
by BikerGran
I'll drink to your sorry!

.... but then I'll drink to almost anything!

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:01 am
by HowardQ
How did we ever manage to survive so long. :smt017 :smt017

:smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Congrats Andy,
Have one on me. :smt023 :smt030 :smt023 :smt030

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:03 am
by Aladinsaneuk
large ale - and long may your inspiring thoughts, words and piss takes continue!

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:13 am
by HisNibbs
Appologies accepted.

Now where's me drink?

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:28 am
by joecrx
buy me a drink, and ill think about it :smt005 buy me another and ill think some more

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:12 pm
by D-Rider
joecrx wrote:buy me a drink, and ill think about it :smt005 buy me another and ill think some more
You can have as many as you like in this bar - I find their prices are very good.

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:20 pm
by joecrx
ok ill have another , got alot of thinking to do :smt005

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:42 pm
by Falcorob
Apologies accepted. For copious quantities of Kronenbourg. :smt003

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:13 pm
by DavShill
Well done that man - pint please. Cheers

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:18 pm
by Gio
Great, :) its wonderfull having someone who can spout so much.

Seeing as you're buying I'll have 2 double malts and a dash of water in each please. One now the other after dinner :smt003