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As a 10th anniversary approaches ...

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:15 am
by Samray
I wonder how many peeps remember or even know of the birth of RS.
WaybackMachine wrote:The story so far....

The day dawned bright and crisp. A spring day, when the birds twittered and the flowers open with eager anticipation to a brand new world bathed in glorious sunshine.

Hammy, fur ruffled by the breeze, sniffed expectantly "hmmm, bacon sarnie" he thought. Nice. Hammy, for those who believe this sort of stuff, is really a chaps nickname. Today, Hammy had a mission. His mission was to go to Brands Hatch. That bastion of motor racing, where adrenalin mixes with the heady smell of power and speed. Actually, there wasn't any Hamster racing that day, he was having a new addition to his pride and joy. Oi! Stop thinking like that, his motorbike I mean. An exhaust system actually. On Suzuki's finest. The SV650.

To set the scene a little, our man is actually a Webhamster (webmaster) and he had cast his wee black eyes over the web site of the supplier in the days before going a visiting. He had a little plan in mind.

This place was different he felt when he arrived. There was an air of excitement and enthusiasm about it (this appears to be associated with the proprietor as it goes and bears no relationship to anything smelly lurking in the workshops!) People were chatting passionately about end cans, full systems and dyno charts. Carbon fibre and stainless steel were whispered about in reverend tones. Aluminium alloy was hushly admired. Titanium was a dream, the nirvana. Ooh hoo, this was exciting stuff. Hammy's li'l whiskers twitched with excitement as he watched his SV being dismantled, re-assembled and dyno checked time and time again until it was just perfect. Man oh man (or Rodent), this was going to be worth it.

Like a silent thief in the night, the opportunity came. Hammy had one chance to play his I-can-do-you-a-really-cool-web-site card.... Success. Two weeks later Renegade Exhausts were presented with a brand new web site. "This is good stuff" thought Jorge the owner of Renegade. Actually he probably didn't think quite like that at all because he's Portugese and has a bit of culture, but I don't speak Portugese, or have any culture, so it's East London or nuffink mate.

Anyway, Hammy had given them a site that was just what Jorge wanted. Interactive with Renegades customers and maintainable by Renegade themselves. "Hmmmm…" An idea was brewing in Jorge's mind..... "Why stop there, with this site?"

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, a few disparate (thats disparate not desperate!) motorcycle fanatics from South East UK had discovered each other on a community web site. Hey, they found that they all lived reasonably near each other. Hey, they all seemed to get on really well. Hey, that's cool with a capital K! Mr 'O' (TRon to those of you who want to put a face to the name, or is that a name to a name hmm?) put on his 'O'rganising hat and arranged an actual IRL (in real life) meeting.. and then another... and another.... and yet another.... and so the KESSEY Krew came to exist. Eh? KESSEY Krew? Oh, yeah. Kent, Sussex, Essex, Surrey Krew. They too had ideas and decided they wanted a new web place to call home....

Literally minutes of enthusiastic discussion took place. Actually, these things do take time, lots of time, painstakingly going through available domain names and name combinations. Bingo! RiderSite seemed to hit the nail squarely on the head. Yes, that's the name. It was a winner. It had an identity and it was going to be big!

Hammy with Jake (Hammy's 'sensible-head' and a long standing business partner) started design and creation of the web site. Some kind folk like Divvy (one of the KESSEY Krew) helped out with stuff like logo's and whatnot. After a few weeks of testing and obtaining feedback from a number of 'testers', was RiderSite ready to hit the information highway? The intended day dawned. Like a roll of distant thunder, the expectation grew. Clouds pulled back, the sun burst through with a torrent of light and warmth. On 12th October 2000 RiderSite went live!

Soon the membership started to grow. As more and more people joined the community, more and more ideas flowed.

A lot of the plans could not be achieved without RiderSite having a stable and organised approach to the future. So, on 17th November 2000, RiderSite was registered as a Limited company , capitalising on the vast knowledge and experience of 4 key people to direct and manage the company. RiderSite's Directors are Jon Simpson (Hammy), Jan Edridge (Jake), Jorge Vairinhos and Tomoko Vairinhos (Jorge's sensible-head!) and we work for you!

Corny as it may sound, RiderSite member's views are paramount to its success. If RiderSite listens to what you are saying, the membership will grow and the site will get used more and more. There is dedication to building relationships and providing services that will benefit you, its members. We need to hear you, we need you to make this happen.

RideSite is your site!
S'been a long ten years with a few changes along the way. :smt003

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:27 am
by BikerGran
Yes it's completely different now but good that the ol place is still going! It was the first bike forum I ever joined and led to lots and lots of fun!

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:10 am
by kiwi_rsvr
Unfortunately I only stumbled on here by mistake , its the latest forum I joined :smt003
But I aint buying no Falco just to fit in :smt011

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:47 am
by Falcopops
Awesome Sam, thanks for that. I reckon I became assimilated in 2002 and immeiately felt at home. I think Highside, Jorge, Tomoko and the big scary welder guy were my 1st non virtual meets at the renegade garage to help prepare the Mango RSV's for racing. I vividly recall the first time I met you although the location is a drunken blur.

Damn those were the days and long may thy continue.

I raise a glass in the honour of Ridersite, slainte.

PS Does Hammy still have that cool Landrover?

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:10 pm
by Aladinsaneuk
and now us falco lot arrived... - and have been made very welcome :)

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:24 pm
by Samray
Always been a site for real bikers and fettlers :smt002

as epitomised by the first responder to the thread come to think of it. :smt003

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:01 pm
by MartDude
It's always good to know whence a culture originated.

As a relative newcomer, I feel I owe a debt of gratitude to those who created and nurtured this place; I feel very comfortable here, and appreciate its non-competitive and inclusive ethos. And I similarly appreciate the work of those who keep it going so effectively. F**k it, let's all have a big group hug.

However, I blame Pete. I've still not recovered from his grooming. My piles . . they'll never be the same

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:21 am
by Aladinsaneuk

i think words fail me for once.....

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:53 pm
by Kwackerz
Bloody hell is it 10 years already??

Doesnt time fly when youre having fun!

Well noted Sam!


Cant wait to get back from tour next year. I feel a 10yr anniversary mango RSV might be my next bike..

And Kiwi RSVR, RSV side of the site will rise again, dont worry!!

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:23 pm
by Samray
The falconista are already starting to defect. :smt002

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:31 pm
by Aladinsaneuk
you do realise that burning is also an option for heretical admins?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:43 pm
by Samray
Funny you should say that. I've just spent a few hours loading up a trailer with firewood for next w/e. :smt003

Hope the weather is like this. :smt001

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:38 pm
by Kwackerz

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:42 pm
by Jake
So glad it is all still going, very fond memories of Ridersite days and hopefully more will come. Most importantly for me a real big thank you goes to Kwackerz & Samray for the work they do.... it is those guys that are the Ridersite heros...

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:52 pm
by D-Rider
That's interesting stuff - I didn't join the Aprilia Ridersite until the summer of 2005 and Ridersite proper when we all merged in January 2007.

..... the Mystery of History ......