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Its been a while

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:11 pm
by Gio
So cards behind the bar.

I'll have a very large G&T as this weeks been so shite, as I'm getting jumpy as to what the docs will find out whats wrong with my pins tomorrow. (don't ask) its just me blathering like a fool again.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:43 am
by Kwackerz
I picked Sam up yesterday from the funeral director's (we had to wait to collect his ashes due to various things) anyway, used his old Van, Christine.

Running fine, no problems ever.. well i pulled in at the FD's and parked up. went in saw the cute lil girlie who directs stuff in a funeral like manner and collected the old boy. popped him in the passenger seat strapped him in and all that in his velvet suited bottle.. can.. thing..

Urn.. thats the word.. Urn..

I started the van as normal and fuck me if all the error codes in the world started to flash on the light by the digital clock. van ran absolutely fine. really. smooth as anything but the light was going ten to the dozen and very erratic.. it went off at hempnall and we pulled up ok. took his lordship out and in to where mum wanted him, then went back out to the van and checked to see what the codes were. started as normal.. and.... nothing. no error code light flashes or anything. everything back to normal.

I therefore take it he is back to his normal self and was probably trying to morse code me his laptimes and position in his races against the greats.. bet he beat Sheene.

Thought i would share that very very strange event anyways. He no doubt sends his regards and would like a large JD while youre at the bar Peter. :smt001 do I...

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 5:39 pm
by fatboy
That's some weird !
Guess we should all head to the bar, large one for Sam, no ice !

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 5:40 pm
by randomsquid
Kwackerz wrote: Thought i would share that very very strange event anyways. He no doubt sends his regards and would like a large JD while youre at the bar Peter. :smt001 do I...
I'll have a coffee with you both, or I might go over the road and buy some booze...

I'm not big on the strange and uncanny but after our mum died I'd been mooching about downstairs for a cd so we could pick music for the funeral. Went upstairs and the wardrobe in her room was open for some reason. On the shelf at the top was the cd I'd been after.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 5:52 pm
by Gio
Darn Tim I still have that bottle of JD, I forgot to bring it when i visited, musta been :smt015

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 5:54 pm
by slickliner6
Cheers mines a pint "act-a-twat" please

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:04 pm
by BikerGran
Usual red for me and I'll drink to Sam letting you know he's got his eye on you!

When my Dad died - well before he died, he was taken to hospital in the evening having had a couple of strokes. I don't think they expected him to die as we went home - and at 3am Mum and I met in the corridor of our bungalow having heard a big crash. Our house was on a nasty bend on the old A44 and we'd previously provided blankets for shocked drivers and passengers and cups of tea for them and the attending emergency services, so off we went outside to look for the wreck but there was nothing there.

Nothing else to do, we had a cup of tea and went back to bed.

The hospital phoned at 8 to say my Dad had passed away at 3am.

Might have been coincidence but I've always felt it was Dad arriving in the next place as precipitately as he did most things!