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Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:46 pm
by D-Rider
You lot have obviously not seen what the few sets I've seen on ebay previously have gone for - serious cash!

This kit was a bit tucked away as the title didn't say what bike they were for - I'm sure that kept the bidding down.
Winning bid was £245.

£35 would have been better but having dreamed of one of these kits for several decades, I'm very happy.

It arrived today. Minor annoyance is that they didn't come with the head gasket - which I'm almost certain was always bundled with the kit - but I know several sources for them so that's not such a problem.

Joe - if you ever go to collect yours and ride it back to Scotland, drop in on Cov on the way back up for a cuppa and we can talk Falcos and 400s.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:02 am
by Firestarter
Falcopops wrote:Nice!

Thats a good find and still in the packet.

I didn't relalise they made so many improvements parts for it.

As my star prize I calim your uninstalled BST carbon wheels :smt003
Since the is the "Virtual Bar" I'm sure you can "virtually" claim them :smt002

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:15 am
by joecrx
:smt003 :smt001 a cuppa d-rider , i will expect to collect and drink all those virtual beers :smt005

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:30 pm
by D-Rider
joecrx wrote::smt003 :smt001 a cuppa d-rider , i will expect to collect and drink all those virtual beers :smt005
LOL I expect beer can be found.