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Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:10 am
by kiwi_rsvr
A Mainlander also from the capital .... Burnside

Theres something south of Hornby ??

FlyingKiwi wrote:
kiwi_rsvr wrote:Where in "God's own" to you hail from?
I'm from the capital of the Mainland.......
Christchurch :smt003
The other kiwi, kiwiboy, will be along soon. He's also a mainlander but some small backward village down south :smt005... :smt014... :smt056
and you??

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:36 am
by D-Rider
kiwi_rsvr wrote: Theres something south of Hornby ??
I had a Hornby


Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:55 am
by FlyingKiwi
OMG, I'm from Bishopdale. Went to Burnside High....a lonnnnnnng time ago :smt003
kiwi_rsvr wrote:A Mainlander also from the capital .... Burnside

Theres something south of Hornby ??

FlyingKiwi wrote:
kiwi_rsvr wrote:Where in "God's own" to you hail from?
I'm from the capital of the Mainland.......
Christchurch :smt003
The other kiwi, kiwiboy, will be along soon. He's also a mainlander but some small backward village down south :smt005... :smt014... :smt056
and you??

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:15 pm
by Noeli0
Well, I guess I should fess up, I'm from Rotorua :smt039

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:43 pm
by FlyingKiwi
Noeli0 wrote:Well, I guess I should fess up, I'm from Rotorua :smt039
Cool, 4 now.
I thought I could smell somethimg rotten :smt005
We'll make a dispensation as to your unfortunate upbringing :smt003 JK
Anyone else wanna fess up about being of the superior breed :smt064
Maybe we should change to NZRidersite :smt017

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:58 pm
by D-Rider



Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:16 pm
by Aladinsaneuk
may be thats the latest one went for a mille - wanted something faster so he did not end up with an ugly sheep.....

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:12 pm
by FlyingKiwi
I think you'll find, judging by the red dust, the bush hat , and the Ned Kelly beard that that is an Aussie :smt019
Most probably one with ENGLISH desendants :smt005
(old habits die hard eh boys!)

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:29 pm
by D-Rider
FlyingKiwi wrote:I think you'll find, judging by the red dust, the bush hat , and the Ned Kelly beard that that is an Aussie :smt019
Most probably one with ENGLISH desendants :smt005
(old habits die hard eh boys!)
I think you'll find that all antipodeans are the same to us (and even if not, we'll pretend they are - just to wind you up)

..... and I seriously doubt whether that chap has any descendants at all - or at least any that don't have a nice woolly fleece ....................

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:33 pm
by kiwi_rsvr
That is just toooooooooo scary .....I think I was there from around 1979 (ish), oh shit I just realised how long a go that was :smt010

FlyingKiwi wrote:OMG, I'm from Bishopdale. Went to Burnside High....a lonnnnnnng time ago :smt003
kiwi_rsvr wrote:A Mainlander also from the capital .... Burnside

Theres something south of Hornby ??

FlyingKiwi wrote:
kiwi_rsvr wrote:Where in "God's own" to you hail from?
I'm from the capital of the Mainland.......
Christchurch :smt003
The other kiwi, kiwiboy, will be along soon. He's also a mainlander but some small backward village down south :smt005... :smt014... :smt056
and you??

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:34 pm
by kiwi_rsvr
His name is Dai, boyo and he came from the Valley's orginally

FlyingKiwi wrote:I think you'll find, judging by the red dust, the bush hat , and the Ned Kelly beard that that is an Aussie :smt019
Most probably one with ENGLISH desendants :smt005
(old habits die hard eh boys!)

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:36 pm
by kiwi_rsvr
Roto who , there's nothing but scrub and tussock past Hutt is there ?
Noeli0 wrote:Well, I guess I should fess up, I'm from Rotorua :smt039

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:40 pm
by FlyingKiwi
well there's upper hutt but thats it I think :smt017

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 3:02 pm
by D-Rider
FlyingKiwi wrote: Cool, 4 now.
I thought I could smell somethimg rotten :smt005
We'll make a dispensation as to your unfortunate upbringing :smt003 JK
Anyone else wanna fess up about being of the superior breed :smt064
Well not a Kiwi myself but I guess I'd better 'fess up to NZ associations.

The Mrs has rellies out there - her grandmother's sister emigrated (I prefer to think it was actually "transported") and there seem to be a lot of them there now .... we've even met some of them when they came over here for a few years.
I emphasise again ... they are on the Mrs side of the family .... :smt020

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 3:48 pm
by BikerGran
While you're busy turning RS upside down, could someone pour me a pint of Doom Bar?

Oh and welcome nother kiwi (lost count!)

I'm from England!