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Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 6:43 pm
by fatboy
like many folk here I never had the chance to meet Sam, but had I met him Im sure I would have been bowled over,and minus my fags ! And being sent to the bar !
Sams humour positively radiated on this site, without doubt we are now missing a good un !
Glad your suffering is done fella
So sorry for your loss Tim and family
Sam, heres to you !

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:35 pm
by HS
I haven't posted on RS for a long time, so most of you won't know me.
However, I knew Sam from the old RS days and although he and I didn't always see eye to eye with regards the forum, we never had a cross word when we met in person. In fact, the last time I attended a Norfolk Rally, I was the first to arrive by quite some time and Samray and I shared a very pleasant and rather deep few hours sat outside chatting and supping a drink or two. I believe it was the year we celebrated his birthday and I had custom sprayed a builders hat for him as part of the pressie that we were to present him.
I will always remember Sam with fondness, and am glad that I spent that time with him.
It is was with sadness that I received the news of his illness and sadder still to hear of his passing. My thoughts are with Tim and his family.
I have raised a glass of JD to the man tonight, and I am sure he is raising a glass to us all in return, wherever he may be.
So long Sam, see you sometime.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:46 pm
by D-Rider
Welcome back HS
A sad thread in which to re-welcome you but then Sam was always one to bring folks together :smt001

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:00 am
by HisNibbs
My condolences to Kwakerz and familly. I missed the sad news last night but my thoughts are with you know as I reflect upon the times we hung out. For me I recollect in the kitchen at the Norfolk meets etc. The last time being when he was a generouse and considerate host while I think dealing with the news of his illness.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:46 am
by paddyz1
Sorry to hear this. Ride fast in the skys dude.

My thoughts are with you Tim and family.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:22 am
by Sleepyboy
Very sorry to hear this - I am fairly new on here and never had the chance to meet or talk to him, but I feel the loss of others.

Have a great weekend everyone and celebrate a mans life, not mourn his passing. :smt001

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:41 pm
by Falconihlist
free ride the skys, glass duly raised.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:28 am
by HowardQ
I also missed the sad news of Friday night, (I went out for a run on Friday afternoon and the fridge had packed in when I got back, the dishwasher went a lttle earlier, so had a busy weekend finding replacements and sorting quick deliveries. Both units are buit in so spent yesterday fitting them and was not on line again.).

My condolences to Phil and his extended family.
It is stange, as I never met him, but feel I have known him for years.
What I did know of him I liked a lot!
He will be sadly missed, but was expecting this, so have another large JD on me and enjoy your next ride in the sky, (you can get away that up there!).

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:47 am
by Kwackerz
HS wrote:I haven't posted on RS for a long time, so most of you won't know me.
However, I knew Sam from the old RS days and although he and I didn't always see eye to eye with regards the forum, we never had a cross word when we met in person. In fact, the last time I attended a Norfolk Rally, I was the first to arrive by quite some time and Samray and I shared a very pleasant and rather deep few hours sat outside chatting and supping a drink or two. I believe it was the year we celebrated his birthday and I had custom sprayed a builders hat for him as part of the pressie that we were to present him.
I will always remember Sam with fondness, and am glad that I spent that time with him.
It is was with sadness that I received the news of his illness and sadder still to hear of his passing. My thoughts are with Tim and his family.
I have raised a glass of JD to the man tonight, and I am sure he is raising a glass to us all in return, wherever he may be.
So long Sam, see you sometime.

Cheers Highside :smt001 His custom builder's hat is still about I believe! I shall look for it and post up a pic if I find it, Always made me smile when I visited them to see his builder's hat hanging up in the hallway!

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:57 am
by Kwackerz
Thankyou to everyone who has posted on here or has spoken to me in person or on facebook.

You login to the site here and it's 'RS' always here,etc.. read the posts, comment and all that but over time you do forget some of the things from the past.. this week just passed has reminded me of so many of the good times we've had on the site both from the current guys and from the 'old' RS from when it first opened. I know Sam spent a lot of time reading back thru stuff and smiling at some of the things that have happened.

I do need to get hold of Gio though. If anyone has his number can you PM it to me. ta.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:59 pm
by snapdragon
ride free Samray - no helmet laws.
a magical man with the ability to make everyone feel good and happy

sending love to you K and all the family


thought I had Gio's number K but I just checked both phones and it's not there sorry

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:13 pm
by Falcopops
Hey Tim, hope you and yours are bearing up.

The number I've got for Peter is 07841426134, that's a few years old, but worth a try.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:18 pm
by Kwackerz
I shall try it tomorrow, Thanks!

Yeah we're bearing up ok, I should have news on the funeral tomorrow

One little thing I thought I'd share while I remember, although this will probably only.. well no, I'm sure all will smile and sure most will relate.
For those that know him, you'll always see him in his Mango RS T shirt, every rally, he's there a true ambassador for all things RS wearing the corporate colours so to speak... ..there were a few more special RS shirts done, but for the majority people got the Mango coloured one. (I think it was mainly for Ally Pally or something we got white ones with an embroidered RS logo) anyways, the old boy passes on, Mum and I leave him in pjamas n stuff. we go off to allow the nurses tend to his lordship, find something smart and fitting to dress him in.. and feck me if we dont turn back up to his bedside to see him in his embroidered white RiderSite TShirt. Hardcore RS Admin right to the very end that bloke. Even mum commented on it that they couldnt have chosen anything better.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:58 pm
by BikerGran
He'd probably told them long before!

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:36 pm
by mangocrazy
I'm so sorry to have heard the bad news, and so sorry it's so late. We've not long arrived at the place in France (missing the 'Not a Wake' in the process), and it's still sinking in. Like many others, I never met Sam, but feel like I know him really well. I guess it's a measure of the man.

Ride free Sam, and never give a damn about speed cameras again...!